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Dáil Éireann debate -
Thursday, 10 Dec 1931

Vol. 40 No. 22

In Committee on Finance. - Vote 21—Miscellaneous Expenses.

I move:

Go ndeontar suim bhreise ná raghaidh thar £575 chun íoctha an Mhuirir a thiocfaidh chun bheith iníoctha i rith na bliana dar críoch an 31adh lá de Mhárta, 1932, chun Costaisí Ilghnéitheacha áirithe, maraon le Deontaisí áirithe i gCabhair.

That a supplementary sum not exceeding £575 be granted to defray the Charge which will come in course of payment during the year ending on the 31st day of March, 1932, for certain Miscellaneous Expenses, including certain Grants-in-Aid.

The original amount asked for under sub-head E was £300, to provide scholarships for certain Gaeltacht students in university colleges. It has for a long time been apparent, in view of the work that requires to be done and the number of expert people with a complete mastery of Irish required, that some steps were necessary in order to enable clever young people from Irish-speaking homes in the Fíor-Ghaeltacht to take advantage of university education. This year it was proposed to give a number of scholarships to children who had been brought up in Irish-speaking homes in the Fior-Ghaeltacht who had been through primary and secondary schools, where teaching was done through the medium of Irish, and who had succeeded in passing the Leaving Certificate examination with honours. When the Estimate was framed, although it was intended, if possible, to give five scholarships, there was some doubt as to whether as many as five candidates would qualify. It was thought that we could hardly get so many in the first year. As it turned out, we got five and it is necessary, therefore, to ask for a Supplementary Vote. Four boys and one girl got scholarships, two boys being from Kerry, one from Galway and one from Donegal. The girl was also from Donegal. The students are in attendance at University College, Galway.

With regard to sub-head E 1, it has been felt that, with the approaching completion of the new municipal gallery at Charlemont House, a new effort should be made to obtain the return of the Lane pictures to Dublin. It is believed that important support for the claim of this country to the pictures might be obtained if a volume such as is contemplated were issued, a volume which will contain reproductions of certain of the pictures and descriptions of Sir Hugh Lane's life and works. It will show his desire to establish a gallery of modern art in Dublin, and will indicate the steps he had in mind to give effect to that, as well as various matters dealing with the bequests of the pictures now in dispute.

Sub-head E 2 deals with the provision prescribed by Section 20 (1) of the Veterinary Surgeons Act to be made to the Veterinary Council set up by that Act to discharge the functions assigned to it.

Might I ask the Minister whether anything has been done to establish veterinary faculties in the colleges of the university? When this question of the veterinary colleges was up here before, a statement was made by the Minister for industry and Commerce that he was contemplating giving facilities here for obtaining home degrees instead of degrees from the Royal College of Veterinary Surgeons.

I am not aware that any further steps have been taken in the matter.

Is there any hope that the Government will press the matter forward and see that these facilities are made available?

This is not a matter with which I am personally familiar. I think the Deputy should put a question to the Minister for Agriculture about it.

Question put and agreed to.