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Dáil Éireann debate -
Tuesday, 12 Jul 1932

Vol. 43 No. 5

Ceisteanna—Questions. Oral Answers. - Defaulting Mayo Land Annuitants.

asked the Minister for Local Government and Public Health whether he is aware that the sum of £9,000, due by defaulting land purchase annuitants, has been deducted from the Agricultural Grant due to the Mayo County Council; that a moratorium for one year has been given to the defaulting annuitants by the Government, and if he will state what steps, if any are being taken by the Government to have the amount due to the County Council made good.

I am aware that a deduction has, as stated, been made from the share of the Agricultural Grant due to the Mayo County Council and that the Government has agreed to put a stay on proceedings for the recovery of arrears of land purchase annuities until the 1st May, 1933.

As the deduction referred to by the Deputy relates to arrears which had accumulated prior to the period in respect of which the stay of proceedings has been decided upon, the question of making good to the County Council the deduction which was made in the normal way does not arise.

It is expected that the stay of proceedings will result in a more prompt payment of current annuities with a consequential improvement in the position in regard to issues of the Agricultural Grant.

Is the Minister aware that this is the first time during the last twenty years that grants have been deducted from the Mayo County Council?

I am not aware of that. It has been pointed out to the Deputy that the deduction in question was made before an arrangement was come to in respect of a stay on proceedings in connection with land purchase annuity arrears.

In other years all these moneys used to be refunded to the County Council.

I am not aware that what the Deputy refers to has taken place since the present Government took office.
