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Dáil Éireann debate -
Thursday, 10 Nov 1932

Vol. 44 No. 11

In Committee on Finance. - Financial Resolutions. Resolution No. 1—Customs.

I move:

(1) That the following amendments be made in the First Schedule to the Finance Act, 1932 (No. 20 of 1932), at reference number 31 in that Schedule, that is to say—

(a) in the second column, after the word "substances" to insert the words "and of which the value at importation is not less than one shilling and sixpence";

(b) in the second column, to delete the words "such pipes" and insert in lieu thereof the words "any pipe designed or intended for such use as aforesaid";

(c) in the third column, to delete the figures "15" and insert in lieu thereof the figures "37½";

(d) in the fourth column, to delete the figures "10" and insert in lieu thereof the figures "25";

(e) in the fifth column, to insert the following provision, that is to say—

"The duty mentioned at this reference number shall not be chargeable or leviable on any component part which consists of a pipe-bowl complying, in the opinion of the Revenue Commissioners, with all the following conditions, that is to say—

(a) it is not polished, and

(b) it is not stained, and

(c) it is not bored in the stem to an extent greater than three-sixteenths of one inch in diameter."

(2) That the amendments of the said First Schedule to the Finance Act, 1932, mentioned in the foregoing paragraph of this Resolution shall have effect in respect of all articles imported into Saorstát Eireann on or after the 10th day of November, 1932.

(3) It is hereby declared that it is expedient in the public interest that this Resolution shall have statutory effect under the provisions of the Provisional Collection of Taxes Act, 1927 (No. 7 of 1927).

In the Finance Act of this year a duty of 15 per cent. was imposed upon smoking pipes. In the intervening period we have been examining the operation of that duty and, as a result of that examination, it is now proposed to effect certain changes. The first change is to exempt from duty pipes less than ? in value, and to increase from 15 per cent. to 37½ per cent. the duty on pipes over that value, with a preferential rate of 25 per cent.; and also to exempt from duty pipe bowls imported not polished, not stained, or bored in the stem to an extent greater than three-sixteenths of one inch in diameter. The principal firm engaged in the manufacture of these articles in the Saorstát has been in consultation with the Department, and the matter has been given very careful examination. At the moment it appears that there is little prospect of the cheaper grade pipes being manufactured in the Saorstát, and consequently the duty upon these grades is being removed. On the higher grade pipes the firm in question is in a position to supply the requirements of the Saorstát and to supply it at competitive prices. Subject to this concession in respect to the semi-finished bowls being granted, it is intended that the concession will be a temporary one, designed to assist the firm at the moment not in a position to undertake manufacture in the fullest degree. There are about 60 workers employed part-time in the industry and, if the whole market is secured, it is stated that 100 workers at full time will be employed.

When will the Resolutions be circulated?

I understand that copies are available now in typescript. They will also be circulated in the green paper.

I think it would be better to discuss these on the Report Stage.

Will they be taken as agreed now?

This is only Resolution 1.

Will the Minister state when he desires to have the Report Stage taken?

Wednesday next.

Am I to understand that Financial Resolutions are being agreed to by the House without being circulated to Deputies, and on the basis of the murmured observations of the Minister for Industry and Commerce? If that is so, I very strongly object to such procedure.

It is the usual procedure, and in fact it is essential that no notice in advance should be given of financial motions. That is why the procedure has been designed. As a rule the motion is moved and is not discussed at any length on the First Stage, as it comes before the Dáil on the Report Stage, and subsequently in a Bill when discussion is possible.

The Minister makes a positive statement. I am fairly satisfied that Financial Resolutions are circulated immediately after the Minister makes his statement. Is that the practice in this House?

It is the usual practice.

I do not see why the Minister should get up and say that it is not. I object to any departure from the practice of that procedure.

I understand this refers only to pipes.

Resolution No. 1 put and agreed to.