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Dáil Éireann debate -
Tuesday, 18 Jul 1933

Vol. 49 No. 1

Written Answers. - Working of Housing Act in Dublin.

asked the Minister for Local Government and Public Health if he will state:— (1) the number of houses in Dublin City and County on which a grant has been paid under the Housing (Financial and Miscellaneous Provisions) Act, 1932; (2) the number of (a) contractors, and (b) private persons erecting houses to whom this grant has been paid; (3) the number of objections received by the Minister on the ground that the contractors or other persons building were not observing the (a) trade union wages, and/or (b) the trade union conditions clauses of the Act; (4) the number of houses in these areas (a) finished, and (b) in course of erection under the Act, and (5) the number of cases in which the grant has been withdrawn or suspended on (a) the grounds mentioned, and (b) on other grounds.

(1) The number of houses in Dublin City and County on which grants have been paid, wholly or partially, under the Housing (Financial and Miscellaneous Provisions) Act, 1932, is 813. This number includes those built by private persons and public utility societies. (2) I have no information as to number of houses built by contractors. The number of private persons erecting houses to whom grants have been paid is 151. (3) Ten objections were received on the grounds that the provisions of Section 8 of the Act were not being observed. (4) The number of houses finished in Dublin City and County is 569 and the number in course of erection is 244. (5) (a) No grants have yet definitely been refused on the grounds stated—the objections received are being investigated. (b) I have no record of the number of cases in which grants have been refused on the general grounds of non-compliance with the requirements of the Act and the Orders thereunder.
