asked the Minister for Agriculture whether there is a veterinary dispensary in Connemara, and, if so, if he will state where the veterinary surgeon resides and whether he resides in his district.
Ceisteanna—Questions. Oral Answers. - Connemara and Veterinary Dispensary.
There is at present no veterinary dispensary in Connemara. The Department have under consideration a scheme for the extension of the veterinary dispensary system in congested districts. The claims of Connemara in this connection will receive the fullest attention.
Mr. Lynch
Is the Minister sure of the facts? My information is that a veterinary inspector was appointed for Connemara and is in receipt of an allowance so that he might reside in his area, but he resides in Galway.
Is the Minister aware that the change of residence was sanctioned by the previous Government?
I have nothing to add to the answer I have already given.