asked the Minister for Lands and Fisheries if he will state the amount of land annuity arrears that accrued during the year ended on the 31st day of March, 1933.
Ceisteanna—Questions. Oral Answers. - Land Annuity Arrears to March, 1933.
The accounts of the Land Commission are not kept in such a way as would enable the particulars asked for to be given. The accounts relating to the collection of land purchase annuities are made up at the 31st January and 31st July in each year and it is therefore not possible from these accounts to give the particulars asked for by the Deputy.
I may, however, state that at the 31st July, 1932, a sum of £867,788 was in arrear in respect of the annuities which accrued due for the first gale of 1932 and a sum of £1,779,247 was in arrear at 31st January, 1933, in respect of the annuities for the second gale of 1932.
Am I to understand from the Minister that the first figure is not included in the second figure; that the first figure is for annuities due on 31st July last year, and that the arrears on 31st January this year for the second gale of last year amounted to £1,779,247?
I understand that the second figure includes both periods.
Am I to understand from that that the first gale, £867,788, might have been paid by the 31st January?