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Dáil Éireann debate -
Wednesday, 27 Sep 1933

Vol. 49 No. 14

Ceisteanna—Questions. Oral Answers. - Gaeltacht Housing Grants.

asked the Minister for Lands and Fisheries if he will state how many applications for Gaeltacht housing grants have been approved in County Donegal and are still undisposed of on account of lack of finance.

No applications under the Housing (Gaeltacht) Act in County Donegal which have been approved are still undisposed of on account of lack of funds. Applications from that county are being attended to as expeditiously as possible, preference, however, being given to those from the most necessitous areas.

Arising out of the Parliamentary Secretary's reply, I asked a similar question some time ago and was given the same answer and then discovered there were 365 applications which were approved of, but from which final sanction was withheld pending the making of money available. The purpose of my question to-day is to ascertain how many schemes for the improvement or erection of new houses have been approved of in the Donegal Gaeltacht and are withheld final approval until money is made available.

I can only repeat the answer I have already given that "No applications under the Housing (Gaeltacht) Acts in County Donegal which have been approved are still undisposed of on account of lack of funds." The total number of cases sanctioned in County Donegal is 968. The total number sanctioned during August, 1933, was 23 and the total number for September, 1933, was 39.

May I further ask the Parliamentary Secretary if he is aware that it is because he cannot add anything to that answer that I am aggrieved? May I ask him, does he imagine that every person who has made a good application for a grant to improve his house or to crect a new house in the Donegal Gaeltacht has got a grant, or does he imagine that there is sufficient money available in his Department to give all the grants that his Department think ought to be given in the Gaeltacht?
