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Dáil Éireann debate -
Thursday, 12 Oct 1933

Vol. 49 No. 19

Ceisteanna—Questions. Oral Answers. - Afforestation in West Cork.

asked the Minister for Agriculture if he can state the names of the owners and the areas of the several lots of land in West Cork that have been offered for afforestation; how long ago were the offers made; and what steps have been taken by the Department to have practical forestry work started on these lands.

A large number of offers to negotiate for the sale of lands for State forestry purposes in the West Cork district has been made by various tenants. Most of the offers were made during the present year. Negotiations in regard to several of these offers are being actively pursued, but it is not at present possible to state whether the acquisition of any considerable areas in this district will prove feasible.

The Minister does not answer the question I asked. He does not give the names of the owners and the areas of the several parcels of land. Is it possible to do that?

Dr. Ryan

There are about 30 names and I could write the Deputy and give them to him if he wishes.

The information I want is this: If in the several cases where offers have been made to the Minister whether the offers have been of sufficient area to warrant his starting a scheme there?

Dr. Ryan

The offers received totalled up to 3,700 acres.

But the area of the individual offers?

Dr. Ryan

With one exception, there is no individual offer sufficiently large to go on.
