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Dáil Éireann debate -
Tuesday, 1 May 1934

Vol. 52 No. 1

Ceisteanna—Questions. Oral Answers. - Purifying Tank for Mussels.

asked the Minister for Agriculture whether the tank for the purpose of purifying polluted mussels, which was to have been erected at Howth, has yet been completed, and, if not, what stage in its construction has been attained.

Dr. Ryan

I am not aware of any proposal for the erection of a mussel cleansing plant at Howth. Arrangements are in hand for the setting up of such a plant at Dublin but certain difficulties have yet to be surmounted before the constructional work can be started.

Is the Minister aware of the fact that the people in Mornington have been waiting for a long time for the construction of a purifying tank? It has been promised to them for a long time, year after year. The matter was raised on the Estimates last year when a promise was given by I think the Parliamentary Secretary to the Minister for Lands. A promise was also received, I believe, from the Minister himself a short time ago that everything would be done to hasten the construction of this purifying tank. In these circumstances, can we have a definite statement from the Minister that the tank will be ready before the start of the mussel season next autumn?

Dr. Ryan

I could not do that, but this particular matter is being investigated. There are very grave difficulties connected with the construction of this tank.
