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Dáil Éireann debate -
Wednesday, 4 Jul 1934

Vol. 53 No. 11

Gaeltacht (Housing) (Amendment) Bill, 1934—Final Stages.

Question—"That the Bill be received for final consideration"—put and agreed to.
Question proposed: "That the Bill do now pass."

There are a large number of applications awaiting sanction. I would urge on the Minister, now when the weather is good and before the winter comes, to sanction these forthwith so that the people can proceed with the building of the houses.

Mr. Connolly

Deputies may rest assured that I personally and the Department are most anxious to get on with the work. That is the reason that I asked to have the remaining stages of the Bill taken to-day, so that we can proceed as quickly as possible with the work.

Question put and agreed to.
Bill ordered to be sent to the Seanad.