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Dáil Éireann debate -
Wednesday, 22 Apr 1936

Vol. 61 No. 9

Ceisteanna—Questions. Oral Answers. - Rabbits and Crop Destruction.

asked the Minister for Agriculture if, in view of the great increase of the rabbit pest in recent years and the enormous amount of damage they are doing not only to corn and root crops but also to grass, he will take steps with a view to the remission of the import duties (if only temporarily) on "Cymag" powder and the blowers used for introducing it into rabbit burrows, and if he is aware that even without the duty the cost of destroying the rabbit pest would still be very considerable, and that if the rabbits are not exterminated in many districts in County Wexford farmers will be unable to save their crops this year.

Dr. Ryan

Arrangements have been made with the Department of Industry and Commerce whereby licences for the importation, free of Customs duty, of "Cymag" powder and blowers may be granted in connection with the campaign for the destruction of rabbits.

Arising out of the Minister's reply, does he realise that it would probably be very much more advantageous if some export bounty was given that would make it profitable to sell them in the British market?

Dr. Ryan

That has been tried already.

I understood that repeated application was made to the Minister for a bounty that would enable rabbit catchers to sell them at a profit abroad?

Dr. Ryan

The bounty is in operation for over six months.

But surely increasing the bounty is a matter worth considering? It would secure a return for the catchers instead of merely destroying the rabbits.

Dr. Ryan

There has been a very big export under the bounty.

Will licences be granted to anybody for the importation of "Cymag" powder, or will it be merely confined to chemists?

Dr. Ryan

Any importer who applies for the licence will get it.
