asked the Minister for Industry and Commerce if he will state what special facilities are given to those importing oranges from Spain who avail of the direct Irish shipping services established between this country and Spain; and what obligations have been imposed upon all importers of oranges from Spain.
Ceisteanna—Questions. Oral Answers. - Facilities for Importing Spanish Oranges.
I am not aware of any special facilities given to those importing oranges from Spain who avail of the direct Irish shipping service established between this country and Spain. The Orders under the Control of Imports Act dealing with the orange quotas require that oranges forming the special quota allotted to Spain shall be shown to the satisfaction of the Revenue Commissioners to have been produced in Spain and consigned to the importer from that country. In addition, during the current quota period, which is the third quota period in respect of the orange quotas, the following condition has been attached to each licence for the importation of oranges forming part of the special quota in favour of Spain, viz.:
"This licence is issued subject to the condition that the goods to be imported thereunder shall be brought by ship and without transhipment from the port of loading in Spain to the port of landing in Saorstát Eireann."
Is the Minister aware that on the 13th February last he told the House that he was using his powers under the Control of Imports Act, to impose certain obligations upon all importers and to give certain facilities to those who availed of the Irish shipping services established between this country and Spain? Do I understand from the Minister now, that he gives no facilities other than those contained in the latter part of his answer?
The Irish shipping service established between this country and Spain is available to any importer who chooses to use it. Twenty-five per cent. of the total quota is fixed, the distribution of which is at the discretion of the Minister for Industry and Commerce, and in allocating that portion of the quota consideration is given to those who have guaranteed this special shipping service to Spain.
Am I to understand that that is the interpretation we have of the Minister's statement that he was using his powers to impose certain obligations upon all importers and to give certain facilities to those who availed of the Irish shipping services established between this country and Spain; are we to understand that the facilities referred to conferred on those people nothing more than is contained in the latter part of the answer?
Yes; my answer is a complete reply to the question put by the Deputy.
It may be a complete reply, but it is hardly a complete explanation.