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Dáil Éireann debate -
Thursday, 26 Nov 1936

Vol. 64 No. 7

Public Business. - Motions for Returns.

I move:

That there be laid before the Dáil a return showing with reference to the year 1936:—

(a) the total number of days and hours on which Dáil Eireann sat;

(b) the total number of hours devoted to the consideration of Estimates for Public Services in Committee on Finance and on Report; and of consequential proposals for legislation;

(c) the number of hours devoted to the consideration of proposed Financial Resolutions in Committee on Finance and on Report; and of consequential proposals for legislation.

Agreed. Ordered accordingly.

I move:

That there be laid before the Dáil a return showing with reference to the year 1936:—

(a) the number of Public Bills, distinguishing Government from other Bills introduced into the Dáil or brought from the Seanad prior to its abolition on May 29th, 1936;

(b) the number (indicating their origin) which became Acts (i) before and (ii) subsequent to the abolition of the Seanad;

(c) the number introduced into the Dáil that lapsed, were withdrawn, rejected, or were carried over to the year 1937, and indicating the Stages reached by such Bills;

(d) the number of Bills originating in and passed by the Seanad and which in the Dáil either lapsed, were withdrawn or rejected and indicating the Stages reached by such Bills.

Agreed. Ordered accordingly.

I move:—

That there be laid before the Dáil a return showing with regard to Questions to Ministers and with reference to the year 1936:—

(a) the total number of questions asked;

(b) the number of questions addressed to each Minister.


Ordered accordingly.

I move:—

That there be laid before the Dáil a return respecting application of Standing Order No. 52 (Closure of Debate) during the year 1936 in the Dáil and in Committee of the whole Dáil under the following heads:—

Dáta tairgthe an chlábhsúir agus cé thairg é.

An cheist a bhí os cóir na Dála no an Choiste den Dáil uile nuair a rin- neadh an tairis- gint.

Ar tugadh cead an tairisgint do dhéanamh no ar coimeádadh an cead san siar.

An tora agus má bhí Vótáil ann, ce méid a chuir “Tá” agus cé méid a chuir “Níl” in úil.

Date when closure moved and by whom.

Question before the Dáil or Committee of the whole Dáil when moved.

Whether claim to make motion as- sented to or whether assent withheld.

Result and, if division, numbers “Tá” and “Níl.”


Ordered accordingly.

I move:—

That there be laid before the Dáil a return showing with reference to the year 1936, the number of Committees appointed; the subjects of inquiry; the names of the Deputies appointed to serve on each, and of the Chairman of each; the number of days each Committee met, and also the total number of Deputies who served on Committees.


Ordered accordingly.

I move:—

That there be laid before the Dáil a return showing, with reference to the year 1936—being in respect of the period 1st January to 29th May, the date of the abolition of the Seanad —the Private Acts passed; the Private Bills and Provisional Order Confirmation Bills pending in the Dáil or the Seanad on the 1st January; the Bills introduced; the Bills rejected or withdrawn by leave of either House; the Bills reported on by Joint Committees and which were opposed and which were unopposed; the names of the members of both Houses who served on each Joint Committee and the number of days each Bill was under consideration in Joint Committee; the Bills the preambles of which were reported to have been proved and the Bills the preambles of which were reported to have been not proved; and in the case of Provisional Order Confirmation Bills whether the Provisional Orders ought or ought not to be confirmed; and the Bills dropped during the sittings of the Joint Committee.


Ordered accordingly.
