asked the Minister for Finance if instructions will be issued to old age pension officers to furnish on request applicants for old age pensions with reports on the case so that applicants, where the award is less than the maximum or where a pension is refused, will know the basis of computation of their means.
Ceisteanna—Questions. Oral Answers. - Reports on Old Age Pension Claims.
Where a pension officer reports to the Old Age Pension Committee that a claim cannot properly be allowed, or can be allowed only at less than the maximum rate, the clerk of such committee is required to notify the claimant not less than two clear days before the date of the meeting at which the claim is to be considered of the grounds on which the pension officer based his report. A claimant is entitled to attend the meeting at which his case is considered and to demand an opportunity of being heard. The arrangement suggested by the Deputy is, therefore, not considered necessary.