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Dáil Éireann debate -
Wednesday, 9 Mar 1938

Vol. 70 No. 6

Central Fund Bill, 1938—Second Stage.

Question proposed: "That the Bill be now read a Second Time."

We get a White Paper setting out revenue and expenditure in every year. The first item is the Central Fund Services and then there are Supply Services. This White Book is a forecast of the amount of money that is going to be spent on the Supply Services, but it does not include the money to be spent on the Central Fund Services. Can the Minister tell us to-day—possibly he has not got the figures, and if he has not, I can quite understand it — what the Central Fund Services will be in the financial year 1938-39.

I cannot give it at present. The position, so far as I remember, is that at the introduction of the Budget, the memorandum to which I have referred is circulated. We are only making provision to-day for the further legislative steps that are necessary to implement the granting by the Dáil of the amount of moneys in the Vote on Account.

We are only dealing with a sum of £10,630,000, plus, as I stated, £463,059. That amount relates to those Additional and Supplementary Estimates for the current financial year which were not covered by the Appropriation Act, 1937, and may be regarded as complementary to the several Supply Resolutions already passed in connection with the individual Supplementary and Additional Estimates concerned. There were 33 Additional and Supplementary Estimates taken in the current year, totalling in the aggregate £480,795. Four of these Estimates, totalling £17,736, were covered by the Appropriation Act, 1937, leaving 29 Supplementary and Additional Estimates, totalling £463,059, to be provided for in the next Appropriation Act. The House will probably agree with me that, at the present time, we are only implementing in the Central Fund Bill the further provision for the Ways and Means Resolutions which the House has just passed, for the provision of money already voted, and making it available out of the Central Fund.

Question put and agreed to.

If there is no objection, I suppose we might take the remaining stages now.


Committee and Report Stages agreed to.
