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Dáil Éireann debate -
Wednesday, 27 Apr 1938

Vol. 71 No. 1

Ceisteanna—Questions. Oral Answers. - Acquisition of Leix Lands.

asked the Minister for Lands if he will state the cause of the delay in acquiring and dividing the lands of Mr. Alley, Knockaroo, Borrisin Ossory, County Leix, and whether a division scheme will be put into operation in the case of this estate before the end of this year.

Mr. Boland

The lands of Kilcotton comprising 131 acres and Knockaroo comprising 44 acres were gazetted on 4th June, 1935, in a provisional list certifying under Section 32 of the Land Act, 1933, that the lands were required for resale under Section 31 of the Land Act, 1923, Clauses A to F. An objection was lodged by the owner, which was disallowed by the Land Commission. The owner appealed to the Appeal Tribunal and his appeal was upheld on the grounds that Section 32 of the Land Act, 1933, did not give the Land Commission any power to vest the lands in themselves. This defect in the Land Act, 1933, was remedied by Section 29 of the Land Act, 1936, and fresh proceedings were instituted, but the case (with many other) is now governed by an adverse legal decision relative to procedure by the Land Commission for the compulsory acquisition of untenanted land. In the circumstances, it is impossible to state at present whether or when the lands will be acquired and divided.

How many Land Acts will be required before the Land Commission is in a position to take over these lands?

One Act, competently drawn.

Mr. Boland

The hold-up is due to the decision of the courts.
