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Dáil Éireann debate -
Thursday, 21 Jul 1938

Vol. 72 No. 10

Telephone Capital Bill, 1938—Money Resolution. - Telephone Capital Bill, 1938—Committee Stage.


On the section, Sir, the Minister stated yesterday something with regard to the submarine cable, and I am not sure whether provision for that was included in this figure or whether he said that the work had been done, but there have been very considerable complaints about trade delays in cross-Channel telephoning, and if the work has not been done already, I hope that it will be proceeded with as quickly as possible.

Actually, with regard to that particular point, we have practically completed the installation of one cable. We had only hoped to complete the installation of one cable by the end of this year, but we expect now to be able to complete the installation of two cables, and, as a result of that, we shall probably have something like 16 lines available.

Sections 1 to 4 inclusive, and Title, agreed to.
Bill reported without amendment. Fourth and Fifth Stages of the Bill agreed to.
Bill certified as a Money Bill within the meaning of Article 22 of the Constitution.