asked the Minister for Posts and Telegraphs if he is aware that the performing Rights Society, a limited company, registered in England, claims that it is practically impossible for any person using a wireless set in Éire to avoid committing infringements of musical copyright controlled by the society, and that the only method by which such licensees of wireless sets can obtain immunity from legal proceedings at the suit of the society is by obtaining from it a licence to be paid for at such rate as it may, in its uncontrolled discretion, think fit; and if he will introduce proposals for legislation to protect wireless licensees in Éire against this type of litigation.
Ceisteanna—Questions. Oral Answers. - Protecting Wireless Licensees.
I am not aware that the Performing Rights Society have made a claim such as that indicated. Infringement of performing rights can only arise where the performance is in public. I am not prepared to recommend the withdrawal, from the owners of performing rights in literary and artistic work, of the rights which are secured to them under the International Copyright Convention.