asked the Minister for Posts and Telegraphs if he is aware that an important telegram sent by Mr. Adair, cattle exporter, Lisburn, to his shipping agent in Dublin went astray after its arrival in the Dublin G.P.O. and was not delivered, and as a consequence 32 cattle were shipped to Aberdeen and incurred considerable avoidable expense and suffered serious depreciation; and, if so, if he will consider favourably an application for a refund to Mr. Adair of the £20 expense for which he was made liable for the keep of the cattle during their extra detention as a result of the failure of the Post Office in Dublin to deliver the telegram.
Ceisteanna—Questions. Oral Answers. - Non-delivery of Telegram.
The telegram was duly received in the Central Telegraph Office, Dublin, but appears to have gone astray in the course of delivery. While I regret the loss and inconvenience occasioned to the sender by the delivery failure, I am sorry it is not permissible under the regulations to entertain a claim for compensation.
Mr. Adair will have to do with "gob" sympathy.