asked the Minister for Industry and Commerce if he will state the gross total and the total number of males engaged in farm work in each county and province in the year 1938 under the headings:—(1) males, 14-18 years (a) permanent workers, members of family; (b) permanent workers, others; (c) temporarily employed; (2) males, 18 years and over (a) permanent workers, members of family; (b) permanent workers, others; (c) temporarily employed; and (3) total number of males so engaged.
Written Answers. - Employment on Farm Work.
The returns of Agricultural Statistics, in which the particulars of males engaged in farm work in the current year are included, are only in process of examination and compilation. The totals by counties and provinces will not be available for about another month. I shall arrange that a statement giving the required information will be transmitted to the Deputy as soon as possible.