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Dáil Éireann debate -
Wednesday, 8 Feb 1939

Vol. 74 No. 1

Automatic Sheet-Glass Works—Regulation of Hours.

I move:—

That Dáil Eireann approves of the convention for the regulation of hours of work in automatic sheet-glass works adopted by the International Labour Conference at its Eighteenth Session, a copy of which was laid on the Table of the Dáil on the 3rd May, 1935, and recommends the Government to take the necessary steps for its ratification.

The convention applies to persons who work in successive shifts in necessarily continuous operations in the works in which sheet-glass is manufactured by automatic machines. Such persons must, under the convention, be employed under a system providing for at least four shifts of a maximum of eight hours a shift, 42 hours a week, with certain exceptions. The terms of the convention are in accordance with the regulations made under the Conditions of Employment Act, after consultation with the representatives of the employers and workers concerned in the manufacture of sheet-glass by automatic machines in this country. Accordingly, the ratification of the convention will involve no change in our law, and the regulations appear to provide adequately for implementing the provisions of the convention. I accordingly ask the Dáil to agree to the ratification of the convention.

Three years and eight months ago we saw this thing, and this morning we saw it again. I would like to ask the Minister what extraordinary thing has happened?

It merely comes up for ratification now. In the ordinary course I would allow the Dáil any time they wanted to consider it, if the ratification involved any change in existing practice. But the fact is that our regulations are in accord and the ratification involves no change. It is purely a formal matter.

Are the conditions in the country in accordance with this?

The regulations under the Conditions of Employment Act were made on the 7th June, 1938.

Would the Minister tell us how many other countries have adopted these regulations as laid down by the International Labour Conference?

The convention has been ratified by Belgium, France, Great Britain, Mexico and Norway. It is possible that a number of other countries will conform to the regulations also, but the convention has been formally ratified by those named.

Question put and agreed to.