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Dáil Éireann debate -
Thursday, 20 Feb 1941

Vol. 81 No. 14

Ceisteanna—Questions. Oral Answers. - Spraying of Potatoes.

asked the Minister for Supplies if there is an adequate supply of sulphate of copper or of chemical compounds suitable for the spraying of the potato crop, which may be necessary for the prevention of potato blight, to meet the requirements of the agricultural community during the coming season.

Stocks of sulphate of copper are not normally held here as it has been the practice to import them immediately before the commencement of the potato spraying season each year. This year, however, importers are arranging to bring forward supplies much earlier than usual and some quantities have already arrived in this country. It is anticipated that the balance required will be available before the spraying season and such steps as are possible have already been taken to secure this; but it will, of course, be understood that unforeseen difficulties may arise at any time in connection with supplies of this or any other imported commodity. It is hoped that normal quantities of chemical compounds will be available, but I am informed that any shortage in compounds can be made up by the use of sulphate of copper.

Will the Minister take the precaution to warn retail distributors forthwith that they are expected to do their best to give every potato-grower his fair share and not to do what has been done in the case of superphosphate of lime—hand all the superphosphate out to the man prepared to put down cash and leave the little man, who has to get credit, without any?

It is not anticipated that there will be any scarcity of sulphate of copper.

If there should be, will the Minister bear that in mind?
