asked the Minister for External Affairs whether it is a fact that incendiary missiles were used to ignite oil on the water in the neighbourhood of a sinking Irish vessel, and, if so, whether any Irish seamen suffered injury thereby.
Ceisteanna.—Questions. Oral Answers. - Sinking of Irish Vessel.
According to the reports I have received, the suggestion that incendiary missiles were used to ignite oil on the water in the neighbourhood of a sinking Irish vessel is devoid of all foundation.
Has the Taoiseach not been informed that, on one occasion, when an Irish ship was sinking and Irish seamen were in the water, a German aeroplane fired incendiary bullets into the water and ignited oil, and that Irish sailors, as a result, were burned?
I have no such information, but if the Deputy will mention the name of the ship, I might be able to tell him the circumstances, because I have here full details in respect of all the ships sunk.
I shall try to get the information for the Taoiseach.
I might say, in that connection, that I have a full list here of all the ships sunk and of the circumstances of their sinking, in so far as they are at all known.
Might I ask the Taoiaseach whether he realises the difficulty of any citizen of this state in getting any relevant information as a result of the censorship imposed? I shall do my best to get from confidential sources the information we are unable to get from the Press.
That suggestion about the Press should not, I think, be made.
I make it.
I say it is not true.
Well, I say it is. I say that the censorship is strangling public opinion.
The Deputy had an opportunity of giving me, if he were so disposed, the name of the ship and the circumstances of the sinking, and I would have had any examination necessary made. From my reports, there has been no such occasion.
I shall try to get the information, but if the censorship can stop me, it will.