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Dáil Éireann debate -
Tuesday, 7 Jul 1942

Vol. 88 No. 1

Ceisteanna—Questions. Oral Answers. - Claims for Repairs to Damaged Houses.

asked the Minister for Finance if he will state the cause of the delays in settling claims for amounts of repairs to houses damaged in the North Dublin bombing incident; if he is aware that the amounts largely represent cash payments made by the contractors on wages and materials, and that owing to the prolonged lying out of their money, many of them are now faced with the prospect of having to dismiss some of their workers or cease business altogether; and if, in order to obviate such a necessity, he will expedite the payment of the sums involved.

All applications lodged under the Neutrality (War Damage to Property) Act, 1941, in respect of injuries to buildings caused by the bombing incident of May, 1941, are being dealt with as rapidly as is consistent with the examination of each claim in regard to the origin of the injury and the amount which might properly be paid by way of compensation. So far as any of the premises concerned are situated in the area proposed to be acquired by the district planning authority, I am precluded by the provisions of the Act from making any offer of compensation. I have no information as to the extent to which persons who engaged contractors— whether before or after the passing of the Act—to repair their premises, have deferred payment pending the settlement of their claims under the Act.
