There has been an agreement that the business will finish by 2 o'clock and that a reasonable time for replying will be given to me before then. Now, as you have pointed out, Sir, that agreement does not constitute an Order of the House, and it is open to anybody to intervene and proceed, nevertheless. The result might be that we might find ourselves, at 2 o'clock, with the business unfinished, and would have to adjourn and come back here on Wednesday next. I think that the only way out of it is to move at this stage that the House should, if necessary, sit late, and conclude the business, let us say, at 6 o'clock.
Motion to Sit Late.
There was general agreement that we should adjourn at 2 o'clock.
The motion for the Adjournment to be taken not later than 6 o'clock.
I only wish to point out that there was general agreement that it should be taken at 2 o'clock.
Yes, but I think it would be better to do this, purely as a precautionary measure, because I think there is no other way in which to make it effective, as it is not an Order of the House.
Such an agreement could only be enforced, if opposed, by applying the closure. The Chair would be reluctant to accept a closure motion at 2 p.m. It would be wiser to have a safeguard extending the sitting to 6 o'clock, while assuming that the House will honour the agreement to conclude about 2 p.m.
Will the Taoiseach indicate how long he will take to reply?
Well, my experience last night was that I only got half an hour in which to reply, the result of which was that I was only able to touch on some of the points with which I wished to deal. I am afraid, therefore, that I would have to ask for at least three-quarters of an hour in which to reply to-day. Accordingly, I move:—
That the Dáil sit later than 2.30 p.m. to-day, and that the Order for the Adjournment be taken not later than 6 p.m.
Ordered accordingly.