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Dáil Éireann debate -
Tuesday, 14 Mar 1944

Vol. 92 No. 17

Ceisteanna.—Questions. Oral Answers. - Seining in Galway Bay.

asked the Minister for Agriculture if he has received representations on behalf of the Galway Bay fishermen with reference to the introduction of seining in the bay; and whether he will cause inquiry to be made with a view to the making of a by-law in relation to the matter.

Representations have been made to me on this subject and I am arranging to have a public inquiry held to ascertain if restriction of seine-netting in Galway Bay is necessary or desirable.

Can the Minister say whether, at the public inquiry to which he has referred, an opportunity will be vouchsafed to Donegal fishermen to be heard before it, with a view to enabling them to put their case for the using of these seine nets in Galway Bay, if they wish to use them?

There was an inquiry a few years ago on this subject of seine-netting in Donegal Bay.

Is not the situation at the moment that two Donegal boats went into Galway Bay and used seine nets there?

Yes, that is so.

And is it not true that the majority of Donegal fishermen do not use seine nets, whereas other fishermen do use them, and would it not be appropriate, therefore, that the interests of fishermen other than those of the Galway fishermen should be heard before such an inquiry, with a view to determining whether, in general, seine nets should or should not be used, or whether that type of netting could be used by those who choose to employ it, without doing any injury to fishermen generally?

I do not think that an inquiry of the nature proposed could be held to apply to the country as a whole, but rather to local conditions and, therefore, I am afraid that it will have to be confined to conditions in regard to Galway Bay.

Will the Minister say that, on hearing such evidence as may be given, or such advice as may be tendered to him by those concerned, on behalf of the Donegal fishermen, an opportunity will be given for hearing the arguments for seine-netting as well as the arguments against it?

Oh, yes.
