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Dáil Éireann debate -
Tuesday, 14 Mar 1944

Vol. 92 No. 17

Ceisteanna.—Questions. Oral Answers. - Supply of Harness Lining Cloth.

asked the Minister for Supplies if he is aware of the scarcity of harness lining cloth which is used for the lining of new and the repairing of old harness for horses engaged in agricultural work; and that though harness-makers have received double the customary orders since compulsory tillage came into force, the supply of harness cloth issued to them has been considerably reduced; and if, in view of the importance of having suitable harness for horses engaged in agricultural work, he will take the necessary steps to have the present allocations increased to the harness-makers.

I am not aware of a general scarcity of harness lining cloth. Reasonable provision is made for the manufacture of saddlers' ticken by the cotton mills. The supplies of cotton yarn which are available are restricted and for this reason there has to be a restriction in the production of ticken. Priority has, however, been given to the manufacture of this type of cloth. I have received no complaints of any general shortage and saddlers as a whole appear to be satisfied with the allocations which are made to them periodically. In any cases in which I am satisfied that the allocations made to individual saddlers are insufficient to meet their reasonable requirements extra allocations are made.

As regards the woollen lining used by saddlers, I have placed no restriction whatever on the manufacture of this class of cloth. The manufacturers continue to produce this lining and I have had no complaints of any general shortage.

Where individual saddlers are getting a lesser quantity of this material than they got before the emergency, although their trade has increased, whose is the fault? Is it the manufacturers'? Somebody must be at fault. Could it be the manufacturer or the wholesale merchant?

In so far as ticken is concerned, a permit for purchase is required. Any saddler who is not getting sufficient ticken for his work can make an application for an increase and if the increase appears to be justified it will be granted to him. As far as the woollen linings are concerned, there are no restrictions on their sale.
