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Dáil Éireann debate -
Tuesday, 21 Mar 1944

Vol. 93 No. 1

Ceisteanna—Questions. Oral Answers. - Pressed Turf Briquettes.

Mr. Larkin

asked the Minister for Supplies if he will state what tonnage of pressed turf briquettes has been produced since the reopening of the Lullymore Factory, Kildare; what are the regulations concerning the sale and distribution of these briquettes; where are they stored; how many tons are in stock on reserve at the stores at this date; how many tons were distributed to charitable organisations and the names of these charitable organisations and the amount of turf briquettes allocated to each organisation; under what Departmental Vote was the quantity and value of these briquettes granted to charitable organisations shown; and what other agents or distributors have been supplied with these pressed briquettes.

Up to 26th May, 1941, the briquettes produced at the Lullymore Factory were disposed of through the normal channels of the trade, for the most part to regular coal and turf merchants in Dublin City. Since 26th May, 1941, the entire output of the factory has been taken by Fuel Importers (Éire), Ltd., with the exception of a small quantity of broken briquettes which were disposed of locally and a limited quantity which was made available to the Great Southern Railways and to the Emergency Scientific Research Bureau for experimental purposes.

The briquettes purchased by Fuel Importers (Éire), Ltd., are held as part of the fuel reserve; the only sales being those made through licensed fuel merchants to charitable organisations of different denominations for free distribution to the necessitous poor. The charitable organisations concerned and the quantity authorised for purchase by each organisation are:


St. Vincent de Paul Society Various Conferences


Catholic Social Service Conference, 75 Merrion Square


Sick and Indigent RoomKeepers' Society, 2 Palace Street, Dublin


Lourdes Baby Club and St. Anthony's Baby Club


Sisters of Charity, Gardiner Street and Seville Street


Mansion House Coal Fund, Dublin


St. Paul's Parish Council, Arran Quay


A. Guinness, Son and Co., Ltd. (for Poor of Parish)


British Legion, Irish Metropolitan Branch


British Red Cross Society, Order of St. John, 14 Merrion Square


Association for Relief of Distressed Protestants



The price charged by Fuel Importers for the briquettes sold for distribution by the charitable organisations is arranged to cover the full cost of production and transport and, therefore, the question of a State subsidy does not arise.

It is not considered to be in the public interest to publish the rest of the information asked for in the question.

Mr. Larkin

Arising out of the Minister's reply, may I remind him that on 24th February he stated in this House that those coal briquettes were reserved—that only charitable organisations were getting a supply? I called his attention the other day by letter to certain organisations, so I am not going to comment on it at this stage. I have in my hand a card——

Has the Deputy a question to ask?

Mr. Larkin

Yes. Did the Minister authorise any of those charitable organisations to sell those briquettes?

If the Deputy has finished his question. I will reply.

Mr. Larkin

I have in my hand a card—it is numbered in the 400's—and the person who paid 2/- for this card is entitled to and receives a bag of briquettes delivered to his home. Those briquettes were not weighed on delivery. Persons have been prosecuted for selling briquettes and other turf commodities under weight. I wonder whether the Minister will make investigations as to whether they carry out distributions to the necessitous poor. The card in my hand is from a home where the income is over £5 a week. I have additional cards where the weekly income of the family is £10 a week. Would the Minister distinguish them as necessitous poor or just poor?

No. Supplies of briquettes are given to charitable organisations, which undertake to distribute them free to the necessitous poor.

Mr. Larkin

If I give information to the Minister, will he act upon it?

I shall be very glad to get the information.
