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Dáil Éireann debate -
Wednesday, 29 Mar 1944

Vol. 93 No. 5

Seanad Electoral (Panel Members) Act, 1937: Annual Revision Appeal Committee Election. 1944.

Pursuant to Rule 8 (1) of the Appeal Committee Election Resolution of Dáil Eireann of the 12th January, 1938, as modified and applied by the Resolution of Dáil Eireann of the 21st March, 1944, I hereby declare the following candidates to be elected to the Annual Revision Appeal Committee, 1944:— Seán Brady, Daniel Breen, Robert Briscoe, Bernard Butler, Richard Corish, Patrick J. Halliden, James Hughes, Eamon Kissane, Timothy Linehan, Finian Lynch, John McCann, Daniel Morrissey, William Norton, James P. Pattison, Patrick Smith.

Would it be in order to inquire at this stage what was the procedure for electing these gentlemen? I thought they were to be elected by Dáil Eireann.

Fifteen Deputies constitute an appeal committee. If more than 15 candidates are proposed there must be an election in this House on P.R. principles. There was no necessity for an election as only the prescribed number was nominated.

What is the procedure of nomination?

It is not for me to explain the statute and the rules.

I suppose that is something everyone was very careful to conceal.

Look up the Act.

As the body has no recognisable functions, I do not think it matters very much.
