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Dáil Éireann debate -
Wednesday, 19 Apr 1944

Vol. 93 No. 8

Ceisteanna—Questions. Oral Answers. - Canal Barges.

asked the Minister for Industry and Commerce if he will state in relation to canal barges provided by the State (a) the total number constructed; (b) the average cost; (c) the firms employed on construction; (d) the method by which such construction orders were placed; (e) the number at present in commission; (f) the number at present not in use; (g) the number in constant commission since construction; (h) the rate of commission charged per boat, and (i) the aggregate amount resulting from such commissions.

The information which the Deputy requires is as follows:— (a) Twenty-nine barges have been constructed. (b) The average cost per barge was £1,042. (c) The firms employed on construction of the barges were Messrs. Ringsend Dockyard (Dublin) Ltd.; Messrs. Liffey Dockyard Ltd., Dublin; Messrs. Thomas Thompson and Son, Ltd., Carlow; and Messrs. John Tyrrell and Sons, Arklow. (d) Advertisements were inserted in the public Press inviting tenders and construction orders were placed on the basis of tenders received. (e) Sixteen barges are at present in commission. (f) Thirteen barges are not at the moment in use. (g) Barges came into commission on varying dates, the last barge having been completed at the end of March, 1944. During the year 1943 the barges were in commission for approximately 94 per cent. of their available time. (h) The rate of hirage per barge is as follows:—(1) Barge without ceiling; for low grade traffic, 20/- per week, and for high grade traffic, 40/- per week. (2) Barge with ceiling; for low grade traffic, 25/- per week and for high grade traffic, 45/- per week. (i) The total receipts for hire of barges for the year ended 31st December, 1943, amounted to £917 18s. 4d.

Who is operating the barges?

They are hired to various operators.

Who owns the barges?

The Government.

Can anyone hire a barge?

Anyone can hire a barge.

Are they powered by horses or motors?

Do the Government also hire the horses?

If you provide the horses and men, you can hire a barge?

Does not the position appear to be unsatisfactory as to the number of barges hired over the period and the number that have been hung up in a period like this?

This is the slack period. I do not anticipate there will be any barges out of commission——

Have they given satisfaction?

As far as I am aware.

In effect, is it the ordinary bargees who hire these barges or do ordinary merchants hire them?

Ordinary bargees.

Would I be right in saying that some sank when loaded with beet?

I do not think so.

I think I am right. The Minister might make some inquiries into the matter.
