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Dáil Éireann debate -
Wednesday, 12 Jun 1946

Vol. 101 No. 12

Ceisteanna—Questions. Oral Answers. - Dublin Maternity Hospital.

asked the Minister for Local Government and Public Health whether he is aware of the acute need for additional accommodation in the Dublin maternity hospitals; further, if he is aware that the provision of an additional 500-bed maternity hospital is a matter of urgent necessity; and if he will give details of the proposals which have been formulated to meet this demand.

I am fully aware of the needs of Dublin as regards maternity hospital accommodation, but the Deputy exaggerates the present shortage, which is estimated in the last published report of the Hospitals Commission to amount to 157 beds.

Two of the maternity hospitals in Dublin have been considerably enlarged. The question of making provision in relation to the third hospital is under consideration, but as the proposals have not been worked out, it is not yet possible to give details.

Is the Minister aware that a fortnight ago one of our leading maternity homes had to put beds in the corridor? That is what gave rise to this question. I have official knowledge of that.

I am not aware of that fact.

Can the Minister say if any preparations have been made in respect of a site in Crumlin for a maternity hospital?

There have been discussions about various sites, but the Deputy will appreciate that I cannot discuss the merits or demerits of any of these now.

Will the Minister do something to speed up——

The Minister has done everything possible to speed it up, without any spurring from the Deputy.

In view of what is taking place in Dublin, will he do something more to speed up the building of maternity hospitals or the provision of sufficient beds in existing hospitals to meet requirements?

The Minister is fully aware of the urgency of this problem.

Would the Minister also take some steps to speed up the erection of the maternity hospital in Cork which has been hanging fire for a long time?

That is a separate question.

It is a separate question, but consideration is being given to the position of the maternity hospital in Cork.
