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Dáil Éireann debate -
Wednesday, 13 Nov 1946

Vol. 103 No. 5

Ceisteanna—Questions. Oral Answers. - Drainage of River Erne.

asked the Minister for Finance whether his attention was directed to the publication of a statement by the Prime Minister of Northern Ireland to the effect that a temporary arrangement, relating to the sluice gates at Belleek, had been made between the two Governments concerned; whether he will state if the whole question of the drainage of the River Erne has been discussed officially with the Government of Northern Ireland and if so, whether he will indicate the nature of the agreements, if any, arrived at; whether, if the matter has not been discussed between the two Governments or if no agreement has been reached, he will indicate the steps he proposes taking to promote agreement in regard to this and other related matters.

I am aware of the publication of the statement referred to by the Deputy. The temporary arrangement entered into in 1941 by the Northern Ireland Ministry of Finance and the Commissioners of Public Works for the regulation of Belleek sluices was the subject of a statement made in this House by one of my predecessors—the late Mr. Hugo Flinn—on 18th February, 1942.

Problems relating to the drainage of the River Erne in association with the hydro-electric development scheme have been discussed by the technical officers of the Northern Ireland Ministry of Finance, the Commissioners of Public Works and the Electricity Supply Board. No formal agreements have yet been reached.
