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Dáil Éireann debate -
Wednesday, 22 Jan 1947

Vol. 104 No. 1

Ceisteanna—Questions. Oral Answers. - Clonmel Housing Scheme.

asked the Minister for Local Government and Public Health if he will state, in respect of the 18 houses to be erected by the Clonmel Corporation on the Delaney Field site (1) the amount of special grant to be made from the Transition Development Fund; (2) the total amount of capital expenditure to be borne additionally (a) by the State; (b) by the local authority; and (c) by the occupier; (3) the weekly rent, exclusive of rates, which it is intended to charge; and (4) the building cost per cubic foot.

(1) The amount of special grant to be made from the Transition Development Fund in respect of the 18 houses, £2,268; (2) the total amount of capital expenditure to be borne (a) by the State in addition to the special grant is £2,106; (b) by the local authority £2,034, and (c) by the occupier £11,736; (3) the weekly rent proposed by the local authority is 12/6 exclusive of rates, and (4) the building cost per cubic foot is 1/7 approximately.
