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Dáil Éireann debate -
Tuesday, 11 Mar 1947

Vol. 104 No. 13

Ceisteanna—Questions. Oral Answers. - Refund of Old Age Pensions.

asked the Minister for Social Welfare whether, in certain cases, he requires friends or successors in title of old age pensioners to make a refund of payments of pension received by the pensioners; and if so, if he will take steps immediately to have such a practice discontinued in view of the distress caused in many cases by its operation.

I am not aware of any instance in which a friend, as such, of an old age pensioner was required to refund payments of pension received by the pensioner.

Where, however, pension orders have been cashed irregularly after a pensioner has died, or has ceased to be eligible for payment of pension, the person who cashed the pension orders irregularly is required to refund the amount involved; and where it is found after the death of an old age pensioner that through concealment of means, usually capital, during his life-time he has been paid a pension to which he was not entitled, or at a rate to which he was not entitled, the amount irregularly overpaid is recovered from his estate. In general, I am not prepared to depart from that procedure.

If the Deputy will send me particulars of any cases in which he feels that recovery of over payments has resulted in undue hardship I will have them looked at afresh. I feel, however, that when the full facts of the cases are in the possession of the Deputy, he will agree that the decisions already taken are fair and reasonable.
