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Dáil Éireann debate -
Tuesday, 20 May 1947

Vol. 106 No. 3

Appointment of Committee of Public Accounts.

I move motion No. 3 on the Order Paper:—

That, in pursuance of Standing Order No. 112, the Committee of Public Accounts be appointed; that notwithstanding anything contained in the said Standing Order, the Committee consist of 14 members, and the quorum be five; and that the members of the Committee be nominated by the Committee of Selection;

That the Committee have power to send for persons, papers and records;

That the Appropriation Accounts, with the Report of the Comptroller and Auditor-General for the year ended 31st March, 1946, be referred to the Committee for examination and report.

What is the proposal in No. 3 on the Order Paper?

That the Committee of Public Accounts consist of 14 members instead of 12, so as to give due representation to all Parties.

What is the division to be in future? Heretofore, the practice has been to ensure that the Government Party be in a minority on the Public Accounts Committee. That was a very desirable arrangement. What is the proposal of the Government in connection with the new membership? How many members are to be put on from the Government Party?

That is not decided yet.

That will be for the Committee of Selection.

It is true that the Committee of Selection will determine this matter but it would be interesting to know what the intentions of the Parliamentary Secretary to the Taoiseach are in connection with this proposal. Does he want to grab control of the Committee for the Government Party?

We shall follow the old procedure.

Then, the Government Party will be in a minority on the Committee?

They were not in a minority on the last Committee. There was even representation.

Question put and agreed to.
Ordered accordingly.