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Dáil Éireann debate -
Wednesday, 5 Nov 1947

Vol. 108 No. 9

Ceisteanna—Questions. Oral Answers. - Milk Supplies.

asked the Minister for Agriculture if he will state the amount of milk supplied, to the Dublin area, by creameries, in September, 1946, and in September, 1947.

The quantity was 176,705 gallons in September, 1946, and 343,877 gallons in September, 1947.

Is the Minister aware that the necessity for this huge increase in the quantities of milk obtained from the creameries is due to the inadequate price paid to the producers in the Dublin supply area, and will he consider the desirability of giving a substantial increase in the price paid to the producers in the Dublin area? The Minister must be aware that the increase offered last week was totally inadequate. Is he further aware that the Dublin Milk Board, representative of both the producers and the wholesalers, unanimously decided in favour of an increase to 2/8 per gallon, which has been turned down by the Minister?

I am not aware that the position is as stated by the Deputy. The increased calls upon the creameries have been caused almost entirely by the increased consumption of milk in the Dublin area.

Is it not obvious——

The Deputy did not ask anything about price in his question. There is not a word about price in the question.

I am not asking about price. Would it not be much better to get milk from producers who have registered dairies rather than from creameries, the suppliers to which are unregistered? Does it not constitute danger to the public health to be bringing milk into Dublin from unregistered dairies?

If the registered dairies are not able to supply it, I must get it where it is to be found.

Does not the Minister know that the registered dairies are able to supply it but that they cannot supply it for less than the cost of production?
