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Dáil Éireann debate -
Wednesday, 26 Nov 1947

Vol. 109 No. 1

Solicitors (Amendment) Bill, 1947—Committee and Final Stages.


I move amendment No. 1:—

In line 20 page 1, to insert "(in this Act referred to as the Principal Act)", after "1898".

This and the following amendment are drafting amendments which are rendered necessary by amendment No. 3 which will come later.

Amendment agreed to.
Section 1, as amended, agreed to.

Mr. Boland

I move amendment No. 2:—

In line 23 to insert "(in this Act referred to as the Act of 1923)" before "are".

Amendment agreed to.

Mr. Boland

I move amendment No. 3:—

To add the following sub-section:—

(2) The provisions added to Section 29 of the Principal Act by paragraph (b) of the Act of 1923 shall, notwithstanding the repeal effected by sub-section (1) of this section of the said paragraph (b), continue to apply to any person who, before the 12th day of November, 1947, had left with the Secretary of the Incorporated Law Society of Ireland the documents mentioned in Regulation 1 of the regulations prescribed on the 11th day of July, 1923, by the council of the said society.

If the House will permit me, I should like to have this amendment amended in the third line by inserting after the words "paragraph (b)", the words "of Section 1". The object of the amendment is to allow a person who had applied before the introduction of this Bill, to act as a solicitor here. I believe there is only one such case. The amendment is being made at the request of the Incorporated Law Society.

It is to cover the case of somebody who has already applied?

Mr. Boland


Amendment, as amended, agreed to.
Title agreed to.
Agreed to take the remaining stages now.
Bill reported with amendments, received for final consideration and passed.