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Dáil Éireann debate -
Wednesday, 25 Feb 1948

Vol. 110 No. 2

Supplementary Estimates. - Vote 72—Alleviation of Distress.

I move:—

That a supplementary sum not exceeding £10 be granted to defray the Charge which will come in course of payment during the year ending 31st March, 1948, for the Alleviation of Distress in Europe due to War, including Grants to International and other Organisations in respect of relief activities.

This Vote is required to regularise certain payments that are going to be made, money payments instead of grants of relief in kind. It was previously announced that such a course might have to be followed. The original intention was to have this relief given by the provision of certain foodstuffs but there was always a fear that, owing to shipping and other difficulties, it might not be possible to give it in kind. In fact, money grants have been made in certain cases and this Estimate is merely required to regularise the payment of money grants instead of the method of relieving distress in kind.

Vote put and agreed to.