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Dáil Éireann debate -
Thursday, 25 Nov 1948

Vol. 113 No. 4

Ceisteanna—Questions. Oral Answers. - County Dublin Sanatorium.

asked the Minister for Health what the present position is in connection with the provision of the much-needed tuberculosis sanatorium which has been planned for Abbotstown, Blanchardstown, County Dublin.

Preliminary survey work on the 241 acre site has been completed and planning is proceeding. The outline schedule of accommodation has been determined, and the detailed schedule is at present being prepared.

It is hoped to commence work on site development next year, but the Deputy will appreciate that the ultimate opening of the sanatorium is dependent on the provision of water and sewage services in the district, which are matters outside my jurisdiction.

As indicated in my reply to a similar question on the 20th of May last, over 500 additional beds for the treatment of tuberculosis in the Dublin area are being provided independently of the new sanatorium as a matter of urgency. The first result of this drive will be the opening on 1st December of the new sanatorium in the Phoenix Park, near Chapelizod.

Arising out of the Minister's reply, in view of the mishandling that occurred in regard to this proposed sanatorium when it was planned for erection at Santry, will the Minister take every step to ensure that work is begun at Abbotstown at the earliest possible date so that this much-needed institution will be provided for the people of Dublin City and County?

I can assure the Deputy that I shall be very glad indeed to press with all urgency this particular project.

Arising out of the Minister's reply, I understand that this is the sanatorium which was to have been erected, as Deputy Dunne has reminded us, at Santry. Is it not a fact that the outline schedule of accommodation was prepared for Santry and a detailed schedule of accommodation worked out for Santry? What validity, therefore, has the Minister's excuse for the delay in pushing ahead with this work?

I am not aware that an outline and detailed schedule were prepared. I accept the Deputy's word that they were so prepared. The position is that they are no longer suitable, as the numbers which are to be accommodated in the new Abbotstown sanatorium have altered. Similarly, the constitution of the new sanatorium will be different. It will not contain a children's block such as was envisaged in the original sanatorium. Other arrangements are being made to cope with these alterations.

Are we to understand then that the whole scheme of the sanatorium has been changed?

We hope it has been changed from Santry, anyway.

It has been changed from Santry Court.

I am afraid I do not quite understand the implication in the Deputy's question. Nothing has been changed beyond the fact that it is likely the sanatorium will now be provided much more rapidly than it might have been previously.

It is desirable that this misunderstanding should be cleared up.

Is this a supplementary question?

Arising out of the Minister's reply, I am putting this question to the Minister, if I may. I understood the Minister to say that a children's hospital was not being provided in the sanatorium. Am I correct in that?

The Deputy is quite correct. The children's hospital will be provided on another site.
