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Dáil Éireann debate -
Thursday, 25 Nov 1948

Vol. 113 No. 4

Ceisteanna—Questions. Oral Answers. - Payment of Housing Grants.

asked the Minister for Local Government if he is aware of the delay in his Department in authorising payment of housing grants, and if he will take steps to speed up the payment of these grants in future.

Mr. Murphy

I have made several statements in recent months on the unavoidable delay which occurred for some time in the payment of housing grants. The preliminaries connected with the administration of the Housing (Amendment) Act, 1948, especially the printing of regulations, forms and memoranda, and the appointment of the necessary local and central staffs, had to be undertaken after the Act had become law and arrears of applications accumulated in the meantime. I am glad to be able to say that steps have been taken which should enable these arrears to be cleared very shortly and that it will then be possible to deal speedily with all applications.

Will the Minister state, in view of the propaganda that is carried on by him——

Deputy Commons. It is his question.

I would point out that I had a similar question down in connection with this matter about six months ago. I was told then that shortage of staff was the cause of the delay. I do not think that that is so now. I know of one particular case where no less than five inspectors have examined the same house over the past four months and yet the man who has built the house has not yet got the grant.

Mr. Murphy

In fact it is and has been mainly a question of shortage of both indoor and outdoor staff. Steps are being taken to remedy that position. I estimated in a statement made recently that in two months the arrears will be cleared off. I am glad to be able to assure the House that so far as the Departmental arrears are concerned, they have actually been cleared off. Certain arrears, however, are in the hands of the inspectors still and the number of inspectors has been increased for a purely temporary period to clear off these arrears. I should be glad to receive particulars in regard to the new house which has been examined by five inspectors.

I shall be glad to furnish the particulars asked for by the Minister. Can the Minister say, then, if it would be possible, particularly in regard to those people in whom I am especially interested, namely, small farmers with low valuations, to give some money, say, this side of Christmas to help them out?

Mr. Murphy

I am particularly anxious that every eligible application for a housing grant made under the Act shall be attended to fully as rapidly as possible. I am not satisfied with general statements about this matter. I invite the Deputy to give me particulars of the case he has mentioned which has been investigated by five inspectors and I shall certainly pursue it immediately. I want, however, to assure the Deputy, and the other Deputies in the House who are interested in this matter of housing grants, that I hope in a very short time to have this side of the Housing Act carried on and the arrears attended to on a week to week basis.

Arising out of the Minister's numerous replies, will be now concede to the House that he is very fertile in devising excuses?

Question No. 5.

Is the Minister aware that I brought a specific case to his notice and that the house in question was inspected six months ago?

Question No. 5 has been called.
