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Dáil Éireann debate -
Tuesday, 14 Dec 1948

Vol. 113 No. 11

Business of Dáil.

It is proposed to take business in the following order: Nos. 1, 5, 3, 6, 7 and 2; Votes Nos. 74 and 67 to be taken under item No. 2.

May I point out to the Tánaiste that difficulty is being experienced by the Whips of this Party in obtaining information as to the proposed order of business until very shortly before the Dáil meets. At 11.30 a.m. this morning it was not possible to obtain from the Government Whips information as to the order of business to-day. It has been, I think, the practice for the Government Whips to endeavour to give that information to the Opposition Party the day before the Dáil assembles. I would ask him to endeavour to arrange that reliable information as to the order of business will be made available to the Opposition Whips if possible the day before the Dáil assembles, but certainly early upon the morning of assembly.

I was unaware that any difficulty had arisen and I will see if some arrangement can be made to obviate the difficulty to which the Deputy refers.

When is it proposed to have the Recess?

I cannot say with any precision, but if there is general agreement it might be possible to finish this week.

For how long?

I cannot say at the moment, but the Dáil will be told during the week, possibly to-morrow or Thursday.

I do not think it is a matter for agreement. It is likely that the business will be finished. We would not like to commit ourselves until we see what takes place.

Will there be an opportunity for a debate on the Adjournment?

If the Deputy has intentions with regard to that matter, I am sure they will be examined sympathetically, providing there is a reasonable period set aside for it.

I do not want Deputy Cowan to usurp any of the rights of the Opposition.

I want to raise one matter, the matter of housing, in which I am particularly interested.

I give notice that I wish to raise the subject matter of Questions Nos. 38 and 39 on the Adjournment this evening.

There was a previous notice from another Deputy, and I will have to consider the matter.
