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Dáil Éireann debate -
Thursday, 24 Feb 1949

Vol. 114 No. 4

Ceisteanna—Questions. Oral Answers. - Dismissal of Gangers.

asked the Minister for Lands whether he is aware that a number of Land Commission gangers, natives of Limerick, with Old I.R.A. service and with very long service with the commission, have recently been dismissed, and if he will state the reason for laying off these men in view of their long and satisfactory service, and if he will undertake to provide alternative employment for them.

It is wrong to say that these gangers have been dismissed, thereby implying misconduct of some kind on their part. I would point out to the Deputy that I have the highest regard for the excellent work carried out by these men. In the nature of their work, however; they are from time to time temporarily laid off (not dismissed) as work on the particular jobs on which they are engaged ceases. It is the normal practice of the Land Commission to re-engage the gangers with good records when work reopens in their areas.
