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Dáil Éireann debate -
Wednesday, 9 Mar 1949

Vol. 114 No. 7

Ceisteanna—Questions. Oral Answers. - Potato Exports.

asked the Minister for Agriculture whether it is his intention to export the entire 50,000 tons of potatoes under the terms of the recent agreement with the United Kingdom and if he will state (a) the quantity exported; (b) the quantity stored and awaiting export; (c) the quantities stored and awaiting disposal to other sources, and (d) the quantity purchased but not yet stored and awaiting disposal to other sources.

The answer to the first part of the question is in the negative. Some 20,000 tons will be exported. The answers to the remaining parts of the question are: (a) 4,000 tons; (b) 4,000 tons; (c) 3,000 tons; (d) as the purchase of potatoes is a continuous process carried on by a large number of registered merchants it is not possible at any given date to state what quantities may have been purchased but not yet removed to store by them. Up to last week 16,000 tons had been disposed of otherwise than by export, leaving some 14,000 tons still to be acquired. These are being assembled as rapidly as possible.

Am I to take it that some 30,000 tons will be handled other than by export?

In respect of the British contract?

If the Deputy presses me to tell him how the British Ministry for Food are disposing of their own property I would ask him to put that question down so that I may consider the propriety of informing the House on that matter. I can only certify to the Deputy that we are delivering on foot of the contract entered into, 50,000 tons of potatoes to the British Ministry of Food. As to how the British Ministry of Food disposes of their purchase, I must ask the Deputy to give me notice of such question so that I may consider whether it is in conformity with propriety to answer it here.

I asked because the answer has a bearing upon the interests of the producers here. I understand that the British contracted to take 50,000 tons of potatoes. The Minister informed me that 20,000 tons will be exported but how will the other 30,000 tons be handled?

If the Deputy puts down that question I will be glad to answer in so far as I have the information and as propriety will allow.

Tá go maith.
