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Dáil Éireann debate -
Wednesday, 9 Mar 1949

Vol. 114 No. 7

Ceisteanna—Questions. Oral Answers. - Employment Statistics.

asked the Minister for Social Welfare if he will state the average number of persons employed weekly, distinguishing between males and females, as derived from the net contribution income of the National Health Insurance Fund in the years 1947 and 1948 (or as estimated from sales of national health insurance stamps at post offices).

The estimated average number of persons employed weekly, distinguishing between males and females, as derived from the net contribution income of the National Health Insurance Fund in the years 1947 and 1948 is as follows:—













From 7th April, 1947, non-manual workers whose remuneration exceeded in annual value a rate of £250, but not a rate of £500 became insurable under the Acts. In the foregoing calculation there has been added to the income for 1947 the estimated amount that would have been paid by these persons if they had been insurable in the first quarter of that year.

asked the Minister for Social Welfare if he will state the average weekly number of persons employed, as derived from the net unemployment insurance income in the years 1947 and 1948 (or as estimated from the sales of unemployment insurance stamps at post offices).

As from the 4th October, 1948, the rates of contributions under the Unemployment Insurance Acts were raised and non-manual workers employed at a rate of remuneration exceeding in annual value £250 but not exceeding £500 became insurable under these Acts for the first time. In consequence, the unemployment insurance contribution income in 1948 does not provide a basis of comparison with 1947 as an index of employment unless allowance is made for these changes. An investigation is in progress at the moment with a view to estimating their effect and so enabling a proper comparison to be made, and if the Deputy will repeat his question in a few weeks from now I hope to be in a position to give a fuller reply.
