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Dáil Éireann debate -
Tuesday, 22 Mar 1949

Vol. 114 No. 9

Ceisteanna—Questions. Oral Answers. - County Limerick Holdings.

asked the Minister for Lands if he will state in connection with exchange of holdings agreed on between the Land Commission and Mr. Patrick O'Donnell, under Section 46 of the Land Act of 1923, whereby Mr. O'Donnell was transferred to a holding on the O'Brien estate (Record No. S.8712), Dromin, County Limerick (1) the area, poor law valuation, purchase price and location of the holding surrendered by Mr. O'Donnell; (2) how the surrendered holding was disposed of by the Land Commission; (3) the area, poor law valuation, and purchase price of the exchange holding.

On 23rd February, 1940, Mr. Patrick O'Donnell transferred to the Land Commission an area of 331a. lr. 25p. situate at Portnard, Murroe, County Limerick, the poor law valuation of which was £89 5s. 0d. lands, £10 buildings, and received in exchange a parcel of land comprising 136a. 3r. 12p., poor law valuation £136 land, £8 buildings. As regards the purchase price, it is not the practice of the Land Commission to divulge the financial arrangements in such cases. The lands comprised in Mr. O'Donnell's former holding have been disposed of by division among the following classes:—One migrant, seven uneconomic smallholders, one landless man, two board of health cottiers (accommodation plots).
