asked the Minister for Health if he has received complaints in regard to promotions in the staff of Portlaoighise Mental Hospital made by the county manager, and what action he proposes to take in the matter.
Ceisteanna—Questions. Oral Answers. - Portlaoighise Mental Hospital Promotions.
Representations have been received by me in regard to this matter and I am in communication with the mental hospital authority concerning it. I hope to be in a position to reply in the near future to the representations.
Is it a fact that representations on behalf of the staff were made by both unions representing the staff in regard to what they regard as a gross departure from the normal procedure in the filling of these posts, and is it not correct to say that that must have a very disastrous effect on the morale of the staff and on discipline?
Will the Minister say whether it is a fact that the Minister refused to meet representatives of the trade unions representing the staff?
That is not in the question.
In the last part of my reply I said: "I hope to be in a position to reply in the near future to the representations made."