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Dáil Éireann debate -
Wednesday, 26 Apr 1950

Vol. 120 No. 8

Ceisteanna—Questions Oral Answers. - Tenders from Insurance Companies.

asked the Minister for Finance if he will state the number of insurance companies having registered offices in Ireland from whom tenders were received by the Commissioners of Public Works in response to their Press notice of February 28th last; and further, if he will state the name and registered office of the company whose tender was accepted.

Seven tenders were received in response to the Press notice mentioned by the Deputy, of which four were from companies with registered offices in Ireland, or from brokers on behalf of such companies. One tender was received from brokers who did not specify the name of the company on whose behalf they tendered. Of the remaining two tenders, one was received from a corporation licensed by the Minister for Industry and Commerce under Section 12 of the Insurance Act, 1936, to effect employers' liability insurance in Ireland, and one was received from brokers on behalf of a syndicate likewise licensed. The tender which was accepted was that of Irish Overseas Insurance Brokers, made on behalf of underwriters at Lloyds.
