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Dáil Éireann debate -
Thursday, 7 Dec 1950

Vol. 123 No. 12

Ceisteanna—Questions. Oral Answers. - County Kerry Rural Electrification Scheme.

asked the Minister for Industry and Commerce if he will state the cause of the delay in completing the rural electrification scheme for Kilgarvan and Kenmare and the intervening districts and when the proposal is likely to be put into operation.

I am informed by the Electricity Supply Board that negotiations are at present in progress for the acquisition by the board of the existing electricity undertaking at Kenmare. As soon as these negotiations have been concluded the development of the area will be undertaken.

asked the Minister for Industry and Commerce if he will have a further survey made in the Milltown, Listry area with a view to the installation of a rural electrification scheme in this district where the vast majority of the residents appear to desire it.

I have no function in regard to the making of surveys for the purpose of rural electrification. This is a matter for the Electricity Supply Board, who inform me that the position of the Milltown area remains the same as it was when a question by the Deputy on the same subject was answered in Dáil Eireann on 21st July, 1949.

asked the Minister for Industry and Commerce if the Electricity Supply Board would consider the desirability and the possibility of making some special arrangements by which a rural electrification scheme may be made available for the Iveragh Peninsula west of a line from Kenmare to Killorglin.

It was explained in reply to questions in Dáil Éireann on the 21st July, 1949, and on 3rd November, 1949, that this area is remote from the Electricity Supply Board's main transmission system and that its development under the normal programme, or under the rural scheme, would, in existing circumstances, be uneconomic. I am, however, informed that the matter is under continuous review by the board and any new factors which might affect the position are given full consideration, but it is not possible to give any indication as to when supply may be extended to the region in question.
