asked the Minister for Defence if he will state how many educational establishments were invited to help in organising a unit of An Fórsa Cosanta Áitiúil among their students, and if he will give particulars of the units so established stating the total number of students at present in active training, and further, whether he is satisfied with the response to the appeal and the progress being made in training.
Ceisteanna—Questions. Oral Answers. - Fórsa Cosanta Áitiúil.
Mr. Brady
While there has been no departmental appeal issued to any educational establishment, 40 such establishments have been invited by individual officers to help in organising units of An Fórsa Cosanta Áitiúil among the students. Units have been established in the following:—
Terenure College; University College, Dublin; Trinity College; St. Patrick's Training College, Drumcondra; Clongowes Wood College; Belvedere College; O'Connell's Schools, C.B.S.; Synge Street Schools, C.B.S.; Christian Brothers' Schools, Monkstown; Dominican College, Newbridge; St. Mary's College, Dundalk; St. Eunan's, Letterkenny; University College, Cork; Glenstall, Limerick; Charman Crawford Technical Institute.
The total number of students at present in active training is 845.
The response to the invitations issued is not as satisfactory as it might have been, but I am satisfied with the progress which is being made in training of the units concerned.
On a point of order. There is a very large number of questions on the Order Paper to-day and it looks as if Question Time is to take more than another hour. Might I suggest, and might the House agree, that the replies to the remaining questions be included in the Official Report?
The Deputy would be the last to agree to that if he had questions down himself.