asked the Minister for defence when he intends distributing the L.S.F. and L.D.F. medals to members of the forces in the Achill and Belmullet area.
Ceisteanna—Questions. Oral Answers. - Defence Force Medals.
Members of the former L.D.F. who continued to serve in An Fórsa Cosanta Áitiúil received their emergency service medals at local parades of their units. Members not serving in An Fórsa Cosanta Áitiúil are required to make personal application, forms for which are obtainable at post offices or from my Department. The procedure for applying for these medals was announced in the daily and provincial Press in September, 1949, and again in June, 1950. Forty medals have been issued in response to such applications from the Westport area (which includes Achill) and five from the Belmullet area. These are the only applications received from these areas.
The Department of Justice is responsible for distributing the medals of members of the former L.S.F.